
Monday, August 29, 2011

Gray and Yellow

Officially obsessed with mixing light gray and mustard yellow.
Like I bought a pair of mustard shoes just so that I could mix them without having too much yellow up near my skin (which incidentally is not so forgiving of yellow if it is not August).
The shoes were a sweet $12 Target score! Granted, the left one squeaks a bit, just the left one, so every other step I take probably vaguely reminds everyone of mice, but they're hot so I deal.

I have yet to really explain to husbando the concept of "outfit shots" for a blog. Therefore when I asked him to take a picture of my work outfit the other day to illustrate the gray/yellow combo that I'm loving this is what I got:
Side note: I don't believe in retouching AT ALL, I live a real life, I have real flaws, including the whole scene going on behind me in this picture, it was 7:30am with a 2 year old, getting ready to leave for work. This is real life.

Now I also dig mixing necklines, and so I'm grateful for that part of the shot, but these are the shoes that went with it, connect them in your head please:
Next time I wear these bad boys you better believe there's going to be an outfit post, with a close up of the damn shoes!

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